Community Coffee House

Welcome to Community Coffee House, nestled within the heart of Atlee Church. Our cozy corner within the church lobby is where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the warmth of community converge.

At Community Coffee House, we're more than just a place to grab your favorite caffeinated beverage; we're a hub for connection and fellowship. Every Sunday, from 8:40am to 11:20am, our doors swing open to welcome both familiar faces and newcomers alike.

Sip on a rich latte, indulge in a decadent caramel macchiato, or opt for the classic simplicity of an espresso. Whether you prefer your brew piping hot or refreshingly iced, we've got something to delight every palate. Pair your drink of choice with one of our delectable food offerings, including our renowned cake pops, for a truly satisfying experience.

What sets us apart is not just our menu, but our community-driven ethos. Community Coffee House is entirely run by volunteers who pour their hearts into every cup they serve. It's a place where the joy of giving and receiving intertwine, where every interaction is infused with warmth and genuine care.

Our motto, "creating community one cup at a time," isn't just a catchphrase; it's the essence of who we are. Whether you're seeking a moment of solace, a friendly conversation, or simply a great cup of coffee, you'll find it here at Community Coffee House. Join us, and let's brew up some beautiful connections together.

We offer Mobile Ordering as well!

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