
Yes, we’re talking about money. God talks a lot about money. It plays a huge role in our daily lives—and in our spiritual lives. God commands us to return the first 10% of what we earn. That sounds like a lot, but it’s a crucial way we grow in our faith.

It’s scary to take this step. You may ask, “what if I can’t pay my bills?” or “what if I don’t have enough?” God understands your fears, and so do we. Because God challenges us to put him to the test when it comes to our money, we invite you to take the challenge.

If you’ve attended one of our services, you know that we don’t pass an offering plate. It’s important to us that you’re not put on the spot. Your worship through giving is between you and God. If you want to give on a Sunday, there are boxes scattered throughout our campuses. Also, for your convenience we’ve made it possible for you to give online as well.


Atlee Church c/o Giving

7171 Verdi Lane

Mechanicsville, VA 23116